Interface Module<V,S,R extends Ring<S>>

Type Parameters:
V - Vector type.
S - Scalar type.
R - Scalar ring type
All Superinterfaces:
AdditiveGroup<V>, CommutativeMonoid<V>, Set<V>
All Known Subinterfaces:
InnerProductSpace<V,S,F>, NormedVectorSpace<V,S,F>, VectorSpace<V,S,F>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractModule, AbstractVectorSpace, ComplexCoordinateSpace, RealCoordinateSpace, VectorSpaceOverField

public interface Module<V,S,R extends Ring<S>> extends AdditiveGroup<V>
A module over a ring R is an additive group V together with a scalar multiplication.
  • Method Details

    • scale

      V scale(S s, V v)
      Return the scaling sv ∈ V of the vector v ∈ V with the scalar s.
    • getScalars

      R getScalars()
      Get the scalar ring.