Package dk.jonaslindstrom.ruffini.polynomials.algorithms
package dk.jonaslindstrom.ruffini.polynomials.algorithms
ClassesClassDescriptionBatch polynomial evaluation using the Moenck–Borodin algorithm.BinaryTree<L>This represents a labeled binary tree where the label of an internal node is the result of an operation on the labels of its children.A binary tree where the leafs are x-l_i for a set of constants (l_0, ..., l_{n-1}) and internal nodes are the product of their children.FastDivision<E>Algorthm 9.5 from Modern Computer Algebra.Inversion<E>Assuming f(0) = 1, this computes g such that fg = 1 (mod x^l).The Karatsuba algorithm for multiplying two polynomials.Compute the Lagrange interpolation polynomial which is the polynomial of the lowest degree which assumes a given set of points.