Uses of Class
Packages that use MontgomeryCurve
Uses of MontgomeryCurve in dk.jonaslindstrom.ruffini.elliptic.structures
Subclasses of MontgomeryCurve in dk.jonaslindstrom.ruffini.elliptic.structuresMethods in dk.jonaslindstrom.ruffini.elliptic.structures that return types with arguments of type MontgomeryCurveModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPair<MontgomeryCurve<E,
F>, java.util.function.Function<EdwardsPoint<E>, AffinePoint<E>>> EdwardsCurve.getCorrespondingMontgomeryCurve()
Return an elliptic curve in Montgomery form which is birationally equivalent to this curve and a mapping from points on this curve to points on the Montgomery curve.